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In this episode of The M.O. Podcast, Rocket Caleshu returns to the studio for an engaging and insightful roundtable discussion about our latest interviews. We explore the groundbreaking work of Alan Snyder, CEO of aShareX, and discuss how the artists we worked with on the project thought about this new form of innovative art investing.
Next, we turn our attention to Kendall Warson, co-founder of Cohart. Kendall delves into her journey of building social art marketing platforms and transforming art lovers into collectors. Her innovative approaches to the art market, along with her experiences in creating inclusive designs, offer a unique perspective on the intersection of art, technology, fashion, and accessibility.
Finally, we revisit our conversation with Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, the trailblazing artists behind the first NFT, Quantum. They discuss their pioneering work in the digital art space, their experiences selling NFTs at Sotheby’s, and their continuous exploration of technology-forward practices.
Join us as we unpack these compelling interviews and more on the latest episode of The M.O. Podcast.
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